Dad Conversations

Episode 22 - Kendal Quinn (American Expat)

Episode Summary

American Expat, Sales Manager, Father of 3

Episode Notes

Today you'll hear from my good friend Kendal Quinn. Kendal is an American expat living in Portugal. He is a sales manager at Cisco, and father of 3 sweet girls. 


We discussed: 

What it's like relocating a family of 5 to another continent with a new language

Food he is loving in Portugal, food he wishes he could get from back home

What was harder than expected about moving

Advice for others thinking about moving internationally

Lessons learned from his dad

Career journey



Books that have changed his life

Being open about faith in his professional life

Why he chose a life of sobriety

Meeting his wife in a dog park

Equality, teamwork, and communication in marriage

proactively sync'ing as a couple